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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Cemeteries and Owners and Boundaries of Old

 It seems for many years now I am constantly reading about cemeteries and boundaries and destruction and once in a long while repair there of.

Today I am going to post a link to an event that is happening in New York right now.  Would also love to hear from anyone whom reads this if there are troubles in your neighborhood regarding our ancestors cemeteries.

Because having kin from the area near this community and digging for clues that may break a brick wall reaching into neighboring areas for clues.


The Post Star had a reporter do this article.   Fort Ann Cemetery Dispute. This area is near where some of the kin of my ancestors lived. Some may have even lived in and be buried here.

This article reminded me of one I read in the 1990's about the coal mining companies that as they chased a seam of coal, would obliterate old rural cemeteries because they thought no one was looking.   Somewhere in a box I have the articles.

It makes me wonder why people put space aside to bury and tombstones to recognize and then totally 100 years later think it not important.

What kind of history of Europe or Asia would we have if everyone did that in the past?  We would have none.

Because I have a distant cousin (related several ways) in the region of South West Pennsylvania and
Morgantown, West Virginia. I want you to know some people do care and spend time repairing and replacing and weeding and cleaning.

For those who pick on religious cemeteries to destroy, your lack of knowledge shows your ignorance.

Or should it say, your ignorance shows  your lack of knowledge.

Cemeteries are a wealth of information for genealogists. A place of remembrance for others.
At times in our lives, people had picnics there to share time with the deceased.  Over times, many ideas have rotated through cemetery etiquette.

You may copy but give credit to Susi Jones Pentico

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